What Is It Nginx Webserver Apache LiteSpeed Lighttpd

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What Is It The WebServer ?

A Webserver is a combination of software and hardware dedicated server to be able to run the software the web server, which can meet the demand of internet users of the world wide web. A or a web server can be used by one or more of the website or also referred to as web hosting.

Meaning the Server itself there is a waiter or giving/presenting so in this case the web server is a service that provides information daam form of a website to request information that is us.

Understanding WebServer

Understanding the web server itself can be easily taken from the above explanation is a software which is installed on a hardware serving the request between the client or computer/laptop with the server directly using the protocol the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) whether it is secure and not.

Function WebServer

The function of the Web Server and how to work the web server itself is to display the pages of a website such as facebook.com, instagram.com and others containing the images, style sheets and other programming languages in addition to the text content.

Some of the webserver can be used simultaneously to just to serve one’s own website, which have a need to handle large access to a website call it facbook.com, due to the high level of exchange of data then it will not be possible only handled by a web server only.

Example WebServer

Some Examples of the Web Server is the most widely used and is on the rise today because it offers speed, ease and flexibility to be easily and quickly install a webserver so that it can be immediately used, and the following is an example of a webserver such:

Apache WebServer

Apache is a software service webserver famous and most popular. The results of the survey W3Tech Top Ranks Web Server in January 2020 , the Webserver Apache server is the most widely used. In fact, from all over the webserver that are out there, the user the Apache Webserver itself has reached 41.5%. This happens because the Apache webserver is flexible. Apache itself can be used on a variety of operating systems that exist today.

In addition to the ability of the flexible, the configuration and the settings of the apache webserver itself is fairly easy and can be fairly simple. There are no complicated settings and complicated to use the web server to this one. Because of these reasons can be the main reason many people are using Apache as a webserver for hosting services of their website.

The Advantages Of Apache WebServer :

Easy configuration to a webserver and not complicated
Open Source so no need to think about licenses
Users that much so the community is growing rapidly and large
Easy to do installation

Nginx WebServer

NginX (pronounced : Engine X) is a webserver both of which are currently most widely used, Nginx or commonly referred to as Engine X are much-loved by players website inexperienced or new because the service webserver this one can be fairly stable as well as efficient resource device server hardware.

Such excess to be one of the reasons NginX into a web server the belle of the number two that are widely used, in Addition, many features of NginX that can work better and efficient in handling the request quickly from a website that has user traffic to be of high value plus NginX.

Advantages WebServer NginX

Lighter and more efficient
Stable and Efficient Resource server hardware
Better performance in handling the website with the flow of traffic is high
Open Source does not require a license to use it

LiteSpeed Web Server

Litespeed is excellent for new players wordpress and seo (search engine optimizer) and is a webserver that can be said as a webserver website that has the best performance, especially for wordpress users. Proof of the excellent webserver is a provider of webhosting indonesia and foreign countries that uses Litespeed as the featured apps web their servers.

From the results of a research, produce, Litespeed has more advantages such as speed on the process 50% faster as well as efficient in processing lines of PHP code and is said to 6x the work more quick and efficient than Apache.

Advantages LiteSpeed Webserver

Features anti-DDoS
There are features of recover error live
Has better performance
Highly compatible with .htaccess dream wordpress users

Lighttpd WebServer

One again the web server in the release of 2003 is Lighttpd. Lighttpd created and developed by Jan Kneschke in the year 2003 currently he is completing his thesis for his studies. Taken from the pages of the official website, Lighttpd is a web server which has advantages in saving resource server and have a good performance as a service webserver because it has a system of setting the CPU Load is very effective. In addition, Lighttpd is designed specifically to work with high-performance, lighttpd is to put forward the factors of security, speed, flexibility and compliance. Webserver that this one has a memory footprint that is small enough when pitted against any other webserver. Features-advanced features such as FastCGI, SCGI, Auth, Output-Compression, URL-Rewriting and many more complement the webserver this one.

From the above explanation if anyone asks What it is a webserver ? understanding the web server,for example web server can already be answered and dejelaskan. Tutorial and Alloys how to install a webserver will be written next as materials to learn together and can be used as a reference knowledge.

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