Guide Install VestaCP On Ubuntu Debian CentOS Red Hat

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VestaCP is one of the Hosting Control Panel that is popular and which can be run on VPS (Virtual Private Server) with an operating system based on Debian/Ubuntu or RedHat (RHEL)/CentOS. In this article will be explained how to install VestaCP for Debian/Ubuntu and CentOS (RHEL).

Control Panel VPS – VestaCP

Vesta Control Panel (VestaCP) is an Open Source product and is one of the control panels for free that there are functions to perform Website management, Databases, Email and Domain Name Server (DNS).

Preparation Install VestaCP

This article will as much as possible to review more about the use of VestaCP. Before continuing with the install VestaCP, there are some preparations that need to be there first, and before following the guide to install VestaCP this it follows that there must be :

VPS (Virtual Private Server) or / Server with the Operating System. Debian/CentOS/Ubuntu/RedHat The Domain to which A record already leads to a VPS server
Create 2 A records of the Name Servers, can and or as the name suggests, the important thing leads to VPS server

  • VPS / Server Specifications Minimum
  • 512MB
  • 20GB
  • 1 Ghz CPU

Haven’t got a VPS ? if you do not have VPS to try VestaCP, here are some VPS that already meet the requirements to be able to run VestaCP and it is suitable for beginners or project based which will only accommodate 1 – 5 website

RackNerd 1 vCPU, 20GB Pure SSD Raid-10, 1.5GB RAM, 1Gbps Port, US 13.99$/Years

Digital Ocean 1 vCPU, 25GB SSD, 1000GB Transfer/month, SG $5/setahun x 12 17$/Years

If the 3 things above are ready, let’s start!

Guide How to Install VestaCP on CentOS / Ubuntu

As always before doing the install VestaCP we make sure to do the last update of the operating system that we use

Update The Package Before Install VestaCP

For using the operating system Debian and Ubuntu use the following command to update the package.

Debian / Ubuntu

# apt-get update -y

# apt-get upgrade -y

Meanwhile, for user CentOS use the following command

CentOS / RedHat

# yum update-y

# yum upgrade -y

Wait the process of update and upgrade your packages to the latest from the repository is done and proceed with the following steps

Script to Install VestaCP on CentOS and Ubuntu

The process of updates and upgrades done was done, it’s time now to get first the installation script VestaCP that has been provided by the official website. So the install process will lacar make sure that the account used is an account with root access.

# curl -O +x vst-install.shbash

Follow the installation process and provide the information as requested during the installation process, generally if using the default method will require your email, password and domain.

The process with the install of the above, it will take approximately 15 minutes and the package to be installed is as follows :

  • Nginx Web Server
  • Apache Web Server (as backend)
  • Bind DNS Server
  • Exim mail server
  • Dovecot POP3/IMAP Server
  • MySQL Database Server
  • The Vsftpd FTP Server
  • Iptables Firewall + Fail2Ban
  • Roundcube mail client
  • Install VestaCP on Ubuntu and CentOS Advance

In addition to the process to install VestaCP above that automatically install by default with all the trimmings, sometimes needs to be done installation of vestaCP manually in order to save resource and discard packets that are not required. And here below are some examples install vestaCP manually to save resource.

VestaVP – Nginx, Apache, vsftpd, the Named DNS, Firewall & Fail2ban

# bash –nginx yes –apache yes –phpfpm no –named yes –remi yes –vsftpd yes –proftpd no –iptables yes –fail2ban yes –quota no –exim no –dovecot no –spamassassin no –clamav no –softaculous no –mysql yes –postgresql no

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